Send Flowers EASTWOOD, NSW, 2122 | Same day delivery

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Looking for a way to congratulate a family member, friend or colleague with some fun and pizazz? Why not turn to flowers or gift baskets! We’ve worked with many floral designers and have extensive experience in saying the right message with the right bouquet or floral arrangement. Our selection is wide and varied and we’ve made sure to include only the best designs for giving someone a genuine message of congratulations. Choose from big and bright bouquets to delicate posies, fragrant arrangements and decadent gift baskets.



A colourful array of beautiful Australian natives make a perfect long lasting gift.

On My Mind


Stunning in its simplicity, this elegant vase arrangement of deep red roses and rich green foliage makes quite an impression.

Perfect Posy


This is a beautiful arrangement with a touch of something different. Modern favourite pot of Lillies, Chrysanthemums, Carnations and ). Gift for any event in reusable flower pot.

Royal Romance


Add some romance with this rich bouquet of luxurious red roses and white lilies.



A joyous surprise for any occasion, this bright, beautiful box arrangement of pink roses, golden lilies and lavender daisies is sure to please.

Starburst Splash


Joyful moments call for happy flowers! This box of blooms does the trick with orange lilies, pink roses, yellow daisies and hot pink gerberas.

Sweet Thoughts


Share your sweet thoughts with this lady like arrangement of pure white gerberas, candy pink roses and soft white carnations.



Show someone how much you love them with this gorgeous bouquet of lilies, roses and gerberas.

White Delight


Let someone know they are special by sending these beautiful blooms of white lilies.